Vector Structural Engineering Welcomes Visitors to Salt Lake City
Vector welcomes solar convention to Utah

Among the 700+ exhibitors at Solar Power International 2019 at Salt Lake City’s Salt Palace Convention Center, September 23-26, will be Utah’s own Vector Structural Engineers. Headquartered in Draper, about 20 miles from downtown Salt Lake City, Vector, licensed in all 50 states and Canada, is a leading supplier of structural engineering services in every one of its areas of specialization.

Conspicuous among these is solar. Propelled by rocketing demand for its expertise and effectiveness from solar installers across the country, Vector has reviewed over 90,000 solar projects alone, and has emerged as one of the nation’s fastest-growing residential and commercial solar engineering firms.

The groundwork for Vector’s solar success was laid long before the solar boom took off. Some fifteen years ago, in order to better serve the tight-deadline needs of its clients in the telecommunications industry, the company’s management and engineering staff developed a highly interactive online project management system that enables both tight quality control and rapid (48-hour or less) turnaround. Click Here to view the full article

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